Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Assignment recap list

Assignment #1
TASK 1:  After you have successfully signed up for your blog, return here

TASK 2: Write your first blog entry.
  Part I.  Post images and write about work you completed in weeks 1 & 2.  Below are examples of work we've done.

Periods 4, 5, 7, and 8 - Hierarchies and Elements of Animation
1.) WARM UP - On your blog, please post definitions for the following terms, from sources that you find on the Internet:  Also include one or more sentences translating that definition into simple, common terms, whenever possible.

-  Hierarchy

-  Parenting (computer graphics)

-  Key frame

-  Playblast.

Watch the GorillaCG video on hierarchy, below.
2. Mr. Webb demonstration:  Open the simplified human models, and parent sections of the body to establish a hierarchy.
[MAYA 2014 process:  select the child object; hold shift and select the parent, then press 'p'--both objects should light up]

3. Animate a 48 frame walk cycle, run cycle, and freestyle animation.

4. Students render a play blast and post to their blog portfolios.

[End of Tasks for Periods 4, 5, 7, and 8]

(Periods 4, 5, 7, and 8 Advanced Design)

Hierarchy Animation
(1) Controlling Playback speed
(2) Keyframing animation
(3) Making a bouncy object, run cycle, jump cycle animation

Advanced Design Task
(1) Make an original character with hierarchies, create a new jump cycle and run cycle animation - Save Maya Binary files -- email your scene
(2) Make a playblast of your animation, upload the video file to your blog

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