Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Warm Up Week 7 Part I.


1. The cro-magnons branch lived about 40,000 to 10,000 years ago in the upper paleolithic period of the pleistocene epoch. They lived in the middle east.

2. The paintings show about the wild animals they would hunt on , the hands of the people who lived in that time and carvings of the humans. Early humans created these images so people now can see what they had to go through to survive and how animals were used to do a lot of things. These images were mostly likely used to determine how these people lived and what they did during those times.

3. Some of the materials used to do the paintings were red and yellow ochre , hematite , manganese oxide and charcoal.

4. The meanings of the paintings did not really last like the paintings because due to lack of material evidence.

5 . Silhouettes cam convey the meaning or mood of a situation without movement or sound by showing the expression of the paintings. The paintings have different color and lines that might show a little of mood and meaning.

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